Monday, August 22, 2011

DIVIDED, Watch for Free until September 2011

  "There is a crisis. Christian youth are rapidly leaving evangelical churches for the world. This well-recognized disaster has been the topic of significant discussion in recent years for both church leaders and modern new media. DIVIDED follows young Christian filmmaker Philip Leclerc on a revealing journey as he seeks answers to what has led his generation away from the church. Traveling across the country conducting research and interviewing church kids, youth ministry experts, evangelists, statisticians, social commentators, and pastors, Philip discovers the shockingly sinister roots of modern, age-segregated church programs, and the equally shocking evidence that the pattern in the Bible for training future generations is at odds with modern church practices. He also discovers a growing number of churches that are abandoning age-segregated Sunday school and youth ministry to embrace the discipleship model that God prescribes in His Word." (DIVIDED official site)    

           DIVIDED is an eye opening movie that looks Biblically at youth ministry and how much of the church is trying to reach out to youths. Not only is the cinamatography beautiful, but, more importantly, the movie incoperates much research from many sources.  DIVIDED not only shows the many opions on youth ministry, it  ultimately looks at youth ministry from a Biblical perspective. It is a very interesting movie and ,I believe, is a must watch for many in the church today.  
          The link for DIVIDED will be up until September 2011 as the producers are allowing it to be viewed for free. It can either be watch on the official DIVIDED site: or on Vimeo :           

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Book Review: "What He Must Be...If He Wants To Marry My Daughter"


Recently my father handed me a book and asked me to read it, stating that He thought it was an excellent and helpful read.  Although it took me two months to get through the book, it is exceptional and is a must read for fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, and men of marriageable age. From the beginning, "What He Must Be" by Voiddie Bacucham Jr., is clear cut, gripping, helpful, powerful, and Biblical. Essentially Mr. Baucham lays out, Biblically, what fathers and daughters should look for in possible suitors, what fathers and mothers should cultivate in their own sons, and what men should be cultivating in themselves. As Voddie Baucham says:

"There are some things a man simply must be before he is qualified to assume the role of a Christian husband. For instance, he must be a Christian (2 Corinthians 6:14); he must be committed to biblical headship (Ephesians 5:23); he must welcome children (Psalms 127: 3 -5); he must be a suitable priest (Joshua 24:15), prophet (Ephesians 6:4), protector (Nehemiah 4:13 -14), and provider (1 Timothy 5:8; Titus 2:5). The man who does not possess - or at least show strong signs of - these and other basic characteristics does not meet the basic job description laid down for husbands in the Bible. Moreover, as a father,it is my responsibility to teach my daughter what these requirements are, encourage her not to settle for less, and walk her through the process of evaluating potential suitors."  (pp 17)

     Although he lists many qualifications, Mr. Baucham does not expect young men to be perfect, as none of us are perfect, but He points out that young women and fathers should look for men who have in some measure of the qualities he lists or are open to cultivating such Biblical qualities. Although he does not expect perfection, also does not want the man his daughter is going to marry to be someone who is inept of most of the qualities above.  Mr. Baucham is looking at marriage as a sacred institution that should be treasured. He also looks at marriage as the beginning of a multigenerational legacy. Depending on who one marries a beautiful and Godly legacy or a deplorable and disparaging legacy can be begun or passed on. As He states: "The marriages of our sons and daughters will serve as the foundation upon which the next generation is built." (pp. 27) If we want the next generation to be built on the word of God and be passionate planters of His word, then we must have strong and Godly marriages to begin with.
      "What He Must Be" strives to prepare this generation to look for all the qualities needed to have a strong marriage before one is married, instead of looking for those qualities or having to grow those qualities in full, once married.  Of course during any point of  life growth in necessary, but when it comes to marriage the path of growth will be much steeper if not impossible for thoe ill equipped. "What He Must be" gives one a general Biblical outline of what one should look for in a suitor instead of having to search in the dark and hope one happens upon a Godly man. 
     Although I would love to detail all Mr. Baucham says about marriage, I do not think I can adequately do so. Therefore, I will just say that part of the goal of this book is to look at marriage as more than just two individuals living together and raising children, etc. He tries to instill a spirit of soberness about marriage in his readers. He highlights that marriage is to be treasured and is to be seen as something important for the next generation. It is also a ministry for believers to their children, for others in their vicinity and the world. Marriage is a picture of Christ and the Church (Revelation 19: 7-8, 21: 9) and therefore is not an institution to be entered into lightly.  
      Before, he fully details the Biblical qualifications for a suitor Mr. Baucham also makes a point to stress how important a father's role is when it comes to choosing a spouse. He deems it important that a father protect His daughter's heart, her mind, etc. He states that one should not allow one's daughter to only go with the longings of her heart, when it comes to marriage, because : "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?" (Jeremiah 17:9)  (pp 49) He advocates for male patriarchy "responsible male leadership in the home and in the church" ( pp 51). He recommends for fathers to look at the examples of patriarchs in the Bible and in conjunction he lists a patriarchs duty to his daughter( pp 53 -65). 
          After more than sixty pages of describing why one needs to be discerning when picking a spouse, Mr. Baucham begins to list what he, the suitor, must be (pp 67 -157). He allows a chapter for each qualification, which is beneficial for the reader as the qualifications are explained in a very helpful, informative, and sometimes humorous manner. Below is the list of qualifications that Mr. Baucham gives:
1. He Must be a Follower of Christ (2 Corinthians 6: 14-18)
2. He Must be Prepared to Lead 
3. He Must Lead like Christ ( Ephesians 5)
4. He Must be Commited to His Children (Psalm 127:3- 5)
5. He Must Practice the Four P's
          A.  Protector 
          B. Provider
          C. Prophet/Priest (Basically a man who "must pray with and for his family" and a man who will teach and grows his family in the Word of God.)  
Overall he did a wonderful job of detailing Biblical qualifications husbands and daughters should be looking for in a man. I would definitely recommend this to fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, and men of marriageable age. It was a phenomenal book in terms of the information given, its God centeredness, and Mrs. Baucham's writing. It is a rare gem for one to find a truly good book on this subject in the world today. I hope you all have a chance to read the book and reflect on all Mr. Baucham has to say through a Biblical perspective.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Preview of " What He Must Be" Book Review

Here is a preview of the upcoming book review: 

Recently my father handed me a book and quite simply said: "You need to read this. It is very beneficial." Although it took me two months to get through the book,  I believe it is exceptional and is a must read for fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, and men of marriageable age. From the beginning, "What He Must Be" by Voiddie Bacucham Jr. is clear cut, gripping, helpful, powerful, and overwhelmingly Biblical. Essentially Pastor Baucham lays out, Biblically, what fathers, mothers, and daughters should look for in possible suitors, what fathers and mothers should cultivate in their own sons and what men should be cultivating in themselves. As Voddie Baucham says:
"There are some things a man simply must be before he is qualified to assume the role of a Christian husband. For instance, he must be a Christian (2 Corinthians 6:14); he must be committed to biblical headship (Ephesians 5:23); he must welcome children (Psalms 127: 3 -5); he must be a suitable priest (Joshua 24:15), prophet (Ephesians 6:4), protector (Nehemiah 4:13 -14), and provider (1 Timothy 5:8; Titus 2:5). The man who does not possess - or at least show strong signs of - these and other basic characteristics does not meet the basic job description laid down for husbands in the Bible. Moreover, as a father,it is my responsibility to teach my daughter what these requirements are, encourage her not to settle for less, and walk her through the process of evaluating potential suitors."
He goes onto say that he does not expect a suitor to be perfect, as none of us are perfect. Although perfection is not expected, he does not want the man his daughter is going to marry to be someone who is inept of most of the qualities above. Mr. Baucham is looks at marriage as a sacred institution that should be treasured. He also looks at marriage as the beginning of a multigenerational legacy. Depending on who one marries a beautiful and Godly legacy or a deplorable and disparaging legacy can be begun or passed on. As He states: "The marriages of our sons and daughters will serve as the foundation upon which the next generation is built." (pp. 27) Basically, if we want the next generation to be built on the word of God and be passionate planters of His word, then we must have strong and Godly marriages to begin with. "What He Must Be" strives to prepare this generation to look for all the qualities needed to have a strong marriage before one is married, instead of looking for those qualities or having to grow those qualities once married. Of course during any point of life growth in necessary but  the path of growth will be much steeper for those ill equipped. The book gives one a general Biblical outline of what one should look for in a suitor instead of having to search in the dark and hope one happens upon a Godly man...


  Sometimes in life, as we all know, everything does not go as planned. My planning did not work out last week. Although my computer died for four days, I was able to go work at my Dad's office for a week, finished my CPR course, finished many necessary errands and this week my family and I are off for some time together without distractions or computers. So, I am formally informing you that the planned book review will be postponed for a week and two days.  Sorry about the delay but I am ever thankful for the Lords provision.