Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Smith Family Farm, Kansas

Contrary  to what I believed most of my life, all of Kansas is not flat, brown and devoid of trees!! I came to this strange realization one week ago when my sister, father and I took a trip to see my grandfather's family farm in Kansas. The farm was absolutely beautiful and the day we went to see the farm was one of the best days of my life. All I could think was: "How marvelous are your works oh Lord!", as I spent hours in the car looking out at the Lords creation. Due to a two year drought the land is extremely dry in Kansas and a lot of foliage has died. Even through a groaning creation, one can still see the marvel of God's creation. The sky and land is so vast in Kansas that everything was so overwhelming and beautiful to me, a city girl from the East Coast.

Grain Bin 

Old Barn 
(My dad used to play in the hayloft as a child.) 

The Road to the North Pasture



 Cows and Calves

Wild Flowers and a Butterfly

A Wingless Type of Grasshopper
(Although he still had lots of armor.)

 Christine and Dad in the North Pasture

Dad and I at the End of a Great Day on the Farm


  1. These pictures are fantastic, the editing too. Did you take them all?

    1. I did take them all, except I'm not sure if the calf picture is mine or Christines. Thanks, I have had a little help from my friends on how to take better pictures, including you :).I love the recent pictures on your blog as well!
